Fear of flying, also known as aerophobia, can be a very debilitating phobia that limits the ability to travel for the individual. When aviation accidents occur they can solidify the fears those with aerophobia have or instill new fears of flying in those affected. But what causes airplane crashes? With so much technology and support going into the aviation process, what can possibly go wrong?
An aviation accident is defined as an incident associated with an aircraft that has the intention of flight where either a person is hurt or killed, or the aircraft sustains structural damage or failure or part of the aircraft structure goes missing. So what causes these incidents?
Common Causes of Aviation Accidents Include:
· Faulty equipment
· Piloting errors
· Faulty design or structure
· Negligence
· Errors with fueling
· FAA regulation violation
· Air traffic control negligence or error
The Federal Aviation Administration
The FAA, also known as the Federal Aviation Administration, is the governing body that oversees and regulates the actions of pilots, the manufacturing of aircrafts and monitors flight operations. The standards they set are the minimum but when even this minimum is not met, tragic accidents can occur. This federal oversight applies to most aircrafts and when adhered to they provide security for the aircraft and everyone in it.
You will notice that weather is not in the list of common causes of aviation accidents. This is because the weather is carefully monitored by aircraft pilots and air traffic control and if they adhere to the safety regulations set in place by the FAA they will be able to avoid or navigate most unpleasant weather. Therefore when an airplane crash happens due to bad weather there is also usually a personnel error that occurred.
To combat this lack of compliance the FAA punishes violations of regulations with fines. This is important because not only can noncompliance lead to plan crashes, but faulty security can also make for generally unsafe airports. Ever since 9-11, day of the most fatal plane crashes in American history, airport security has been of vital importance and the FAA works to uphold this priority.

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