This question poses another; 'What Plane?' is being referred to. To fly a glider and obtain a glider pilots licence you need to join a gliding club or attend a gliding school. There are no set hours to be flown and the licence is available after sufficient experience and passing some flying tests.
Balloons and hang gliders are not normally referred to as planes. However, Touring motor gliders (TMG) do require a licence. Two main routes are available, a gliding club that operates with both types of gliders or some flying clubs. Alternatively one can obtain the licence by qualifying for a National Pilots Licence at an ordinary flying club then doing a conversion to the TMG.
National Private Pilots Licence (NPPL)
This licence is obtained by flying a minimum total of 30 hours which includes passing the theory examinations and the flight test. This is done at the local flying club. The PPL is then an extension of experience requiring a minimum of 45 hours total flying experience. Limitations apply to these licences. The NPPL carries the privileges for UK only and is further limited to the carriage of only one passenger.
Private Pilots Licence (PPL)
This licence carries the privileges of flying across borders and a maximum of 3 passengers. The PPL also allows the holder to fly as pilot assistant but, unpaid. A note of warning. From June of 2009 the European Aviation Safety Agency became the new regulatory body for Europe. National bodies such as the UK CAA (Civil Aviation Authority) will act on behalf of EASA but licencing requirements may change.
Commercial Pilots Licence (CPL)
This licenceis commonly referred to as the CPL.This licence is the minimum required by anyone who wishes to be paid for flying as a pilot. There are two main routes to obtain a CPL. The integrated route and the modular route. The integrated route is a full time residential course lasting between 24 to 36 months and the modular route is a form of stages taken at intervals to suit the individual. The integrated route gives you a CPL with a frozen Air Transport Pilots Licence and Multi-crew Co-operation Licence.
Air Transport Pilots Licence (ATPL)
This enables the holder to act as first officer on an airline on a specific airplane. In order to become a caption with an airline, an Air Transport Pilots Licence is a must. Once the holder has acquired 1500 command hours he can apply for the full ATPL. The modular route is for those who for personal reasons cannot spend the time or money for the integrated course.

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