It makes sense that any industry would want to keep well-guarded their particular secrets to making extra money. After all, it is this revenue that boosts stock share prices and the value of the industry as a whole, and every industry has them. Did you know that in electronics stores, those extra warranties they sell for just about any product these days are their greatest source of revenue now? The airline industry has its own dirty little money-making secrets and finally, at last, someone from the inside has set those secrets loose.
Tom Morrison worked in the airline industry for more than sixteen years before he was fired. In the years since, the airline industry has courted him to return to working for them, offered him extra money to keep quiet and has even taken him to court in an effort to keep these secrets from being revealed. It's a basic concept of survival for any business, but for the airline industry, millions, even billions of dollars are on the line.
Many skeptics would wonder how anything one man would have to say could be of such critical importance to the airline industry to keep from the general public. But the proof is in the tricks and secrets Tony Morrison reveals in his book Save on Airfare Secrets! There are different levels of tricks and secrets that he reveals to the reader, from the more commonly known, yet not universally known, techniques such as when to book the flight and what time of the day offers the best rates to more well-hidden tactics that many travel agencies already know about.
With fuel costs continuing to increase every year, this means that every trip that someone plans will cost more and more. In recent years, the airline industry has raised airfare to compensate for the rising fuel costs, added baggage charges, reduced the number of flights per day, and some are now even charging for premium seats in an effort to make extra money.
There are literally dozens of ways that anyone can save on airfare, if they only knew what to look for or what to ask for when booking their flight. This book by a former industry insider offers incredible advice, pointers, and methods for anyone looking to have some extra money in their pockets for their next trip. After all, who wants to go on vacation but have left all of their spending money with the airline?
An example of one of the more common tricks some people may know already is booking your flight ahead of time for cheaper rates and outside 9-5 hours to avoid business rates. One of the less known tricks is if you are a student, military worker, senior citizen or clergyman for example, you may be entitled to discounted rates, just by letting the airline know. These are just some of the tricks the airlines avoid shouting about, but could save us money if we only knew.
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