Approximately one percent of the individuals applying are denied certification. Over fifty six percent of pilots denied have less than forty hours of flying time. It could be assumed that less than one-half percent of the licensed pilots applying for renewal are denied. Of the total denials ninety one percent of the people are involved in non-aeronautical occupations. The aeronautical occupation most often denied is the air traffic controller. Next come airline pilots, commercial pilots, executive pilots and flight instructors, in that order.
The biggest cause for denial is a problem with the cardiovascular system. Next comes a miscellaneous category that includes diabetes, alcohol, drug problems and general systemic problems. This is followed by nervous and mental problems. Eye problems are pretty far down the line. Vision accounts for about ten percent of the Class I failures and about eight percent of the Class II and Class III failures.
What happens if the aviation medical examiner detects what he feels, form the examination, is a disqualifying flaw? The physician doesn't issue the medical certificate and sends his report to the Regional Flight Surgeon or to the Aero-Medical Certification Branch of the FAA in Oklahoma City. Before issuing or denying a certificate the above offices may want additional information about why the person was denied.
If the decision to issue an adverse decision there are avenues of appeal. The most frequent appeal has to do with cardiovascular problems. The regulations state that a heart attack is disqualifying but it is the FAA's policy to reconsider an airman for certification two years after the attack, if he is in good shape. They make no exceptions on diabetes unless the airman is able to control it with diet alone, no insulin or oral drugs.
What seems to be a conclusion from the study is the fact of very little voluntary attrition because of a known medical condition and a knowledge of the requirements. In other words we only go to see physician when we need our certificates periodically renewed.

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